registration options:

  • Online with credit card - fill out contact information while checking out in the cart to reserve your spot. Please note there is a $15 processing fee.

  • By check - fill out form below to reserve your spot. Bring on first day of class. Total via check is less as there is no processing fee. Make them payable to “Great Lakes Academy of Fine Art.”


Portrait Fundamental class ($290): Monday classes are 6:00-8:30pm. Classes run from June 2nd to July 21st. Austin is the instructor. Max of 10 students.

GLAFA Fundamental classes ($250): Both Tuesday and Thursday classes are 6:00 - 8:30pm. Classes run from June 3rd/5th to July 22nd/24th. There are eight sessions with one week being for make-ups. Patrick teaches Tuesday and Ben on Thursday. Max of 12 students.

Intro to Watercolor ($250): Tuesday classes are 6:00-8:30pm. Classes run from June 3rd to July 22nd. Jon is the instructor. Max of 12 students.

More information can be found under the “pay online” options.

paying via check later