Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the class?

The course lasts for eight weeks and each class is two hours.

Are there any weeks off?

There is no class the week of October 10 (MEA) and November 21st (Thanksgiving).

how much does it cost?

$200 per student. This can be done online, by mail, or in person. See registration options.

What ages can attend?

Ages 10-18. The academy may be open to exceptions due to individual circumstances. Please contact us for more information on this at

what do students need to bring to class?

A willingness to learn and do your best. Learning to draw and paint well takes time and practice. Through effort and focus, we believe everyone can learn to draw and paint well.

Art materials. Water bottle.

what happens if a student misses a class?

If a student misses a class they can attend a different class on the same day at a different time, or make up a class on the following session. Students can only make up two classes per session (8 week period).

are there discounts available?

There is a one-time $20 discount to students if they refer a friend. Reimbursement will be given in class.